Tuesday, June 30, 2009

P1 Brand Tire Tubes™


P1 Brand is proud to introduce a Tire Tube™ designed specifically for 1/12th scale foam tires. Just like it's larger 10th scale counterpart, the 12th scale Tire Tube™ is a compact, airtight, and reusable storage container that holds a complete set of 1/12th scale foam tires. Alternately, it can also accommodate up to three pairs of 12th scale front tires or two pairs of 12th scale rear tires, up to 50mm (1.97") in diameter.

P1 Brand Tire Tubes™ are constructed of clear, impact-resistant plastic, making it simple to identify it's contents. The removable lid and fixed base are made of flexible, black plastic and wipe clean easily. Each Tire Tube™ also features a laminated, yellow lid label that allows the user to repeatably record data with a dry erase style pen. The P1 Brand Tire Tubes™ are available as single units and sets of six or twelve. To purchase online or for more information, please visit the P1 Brand Shop .

Behind The Scenes

We do as much of our own production and promotion as possible, which includes our in-house studio photography capabilities. Here are a few snaps from behind the camera during a recent product shoot. See the final result here

Sunday, June 28, 2009


We're suspecting there is a reason that this YouTube clip has nearly 6 million views... 

we're sure it's just the Autobahn -esque, futuristic Euro techno pop, but the last 2 minutes of this film is ALMOST art. It makes us wish that today's stunt footage was still shot on 16 mm film.

We also wonder if Nikon's marketing division has really done enough research to fully expolit the niche of the turbo-rocketed-banana-colored-Thunderbird-awesomeness-owners demographic.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Worlds Fastest Radio Controlled Car

Here's a recent article at the Popular Science website about Nic Case and his 160+ mph electric-powered RC car. It's powered by Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries, an 11 HP brushless motor and sports vulcanized rubber tires mounted on aluminum rims. We applaud Nic Case for all of the effort, research and 'garage' engineering he has employed to realize this achievement.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Expression of Joy

Although we're not HUGE fans of BMW per se, we applaud them for having the courage to bring an amazing advertising concept to life. Employing the imagination South African artist, Robin Rhode, as well as a large support team of directors and engineers, a Z4 was utilized as a massive paintbrush to create a stunning visual statement (dig the radio controlled paint-dispensing nozzles outfitted within each wheel well). The end result, measuring 100' x 200', is absolutely fascinating, reminiscent of 20th century greats, Jackson Pollock and Cy Twombly, as well as graffiti pioneer, Futura 2000. 

Oh, and toss in a pinch of Jeff Koons for the sensational salesmanship, too.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jason Ruona & JConcepts

We like Jason Ruona and what he has accomplished with JConcepts in the past five years. He's setting a new standard for the industry across the board; from innovative and quality products, to proper branding and advertising, copy writing, product photography, grassroots and national-level event promotions, customer service as well as the all important trackside support. Ruona is a racer who has made a very successful transition into the ever-changing reality and demands of a competitive marketplace. 

During a recent trip to California, RC Evil Empire.com, conducted an casual Q&A session with Ruona. In the two part interview, he discusses his career as a dedicated racer, designer and business man. You can listen to the interview here.

Vodafone Viral

This is a brilliant example of how companies can create viral marketing and accomplish brand awareness with what appears to be user-generated content. We're guessing that this entire spot was the brainchild of an advertising agency, and then shot/edited/posted to give the illusion that it's not really an advertisement for Vodafone (the worlds largest telecomm company). The reality is that this YouTube clip is just a commercial, albeit very clever, to promote their latest Bluetooth-and-acceleromator enabled cellular phone.

Regardless, it's quite effective, netting more than 1.5 million views (and 1,000+ comments and speculations). This equates to brand awareness. And of course, the best part is portraying the fantasy of having a Formula 1 World Champ, Lewis Hamilton,  casually take his multi-million dollar ride for a radio controlled spin.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Gyro Hobbies Now Stocks P1 Brand Products

We would like to thank Rob and Mike at Gyro Hobbies for being the very first retailer in Southern California to carry P1 Brand products! Located within the amazing OCRC facility in Huntington Beach, Gyro Hobbies now stocks P1 Brand Tire Tubes™ in both 10th Scale and 12th Scale sizes, as well as P1 Brand Number Decals. You can contact Gyro Hobbies at 714.892.6699.

Thank you to Gyro Hobbies for their support...and don't forget, support YOUR local hobby shop!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

P1 Brand at OCRC

P1 Brand is now a proud supporter of the new, permanent, carpet track at OCRC Raceway in Huntington Beach, CA. The track is 75' x 75' of CRC Fastrack carpet, with CRC Clik-Trak barriers, and features an amazing drivers' stand, ample lighting and tall ceilings. Timing and scoring is provided by RC Scoring Pro and club racing is broadcast live via LiveRC.com. Weekly club races are hosted on Tuesday nights at 7 pm and Saturday afternoons at 12 pm. 

P1 Brand will also be supporting the RCGT Series throughout Southern California this summer. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

SpeedMerchant Rev5 Lipo

Bruce Carbone at SpeedMerchant is leading the way for the emerging 1S lipo-dedicated 12th scale chassis. His company, based out of Massachusetts, is now offering the Rev5 Lipo Edition as a complete kit. Carbone, who provides customer service and trackside support that sets an industry standard,  recently emailed us these photos of his personal Rev5 Lipo Edition. Use these photos as a reference on how/where to layout the latest electronics, including the Novak Smart Boost

Thanks Bruce!